Demand for Freelance Work is Higher More than Ever.

Demand for Freelance Work is Higher More than Ever.

Change the demand for freelancers can vary into “The demand for freelancers has become higher especially after the COVID Pandemic has paralyzed various industries. Many industries pivotted and trends for freelance jobs will continue to prosper and will continue...
How AI is Changing the World

How AI is Changing the World

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a significant and rapidly evolving role in today’s world across various sectors. Here are some key aspects of AI’s presence and impact in today’s world: Automation and Efficiency AI is used to automate repetitive...
E-Commerce in Retail Business: A Post-Pandemic Outlook.

E-Commerce in Retail Business: A Post-Pandemic Outlook.

The digital ecosystem took a breather during the pandemic and has scaled many businesses into what we now call as the New E-Commerce. Is the retail industry which connects business owners to its intended consumers following a B2C model is the biggest benefactor of the...
2019 NASA Space Apps Challenge

2019 NASA Space Apps Challenge

The 2019 NASA Space Apps Challenge was held in Davao, Iloilo, and Manila from October 18 to 20, hosted by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines in collaboration with various partners. The event included a data boot camp and a two-day hackathon, where teams developed...